Camera Songs: out of the ordinary 02
According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are conscious of only about 5 percent of our cognitive activity, so most of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behavior depends on the 95 percent of brain activity that goes beyond our conscious awareness.
~ Mysteries of the Mind, Marianne Szegedy-Maszak
Our species’ understanding of the meaning of the word “perfection” spans the distance from holy grails to burdens to bear, from hubris to humility. Perhaps, this is why, given our current obsession with robot-like efficiency in all things, we so rarely manage to attain it. And, perhaps, this is the reason, as well, that the myth of Icarus has retained its cultural vitality in our society.
Today, the butterflies of chaos theory determine in which direction our futures will trend. And the intricate networks of social convention we’ve woven around the globe to control their flight patterns are suddenly proving to not be as well constructed as we thought.
In such a time, if a person were so inclined, they might start taking photographs of the ordinary world around them as it becomes increasingly more disorderly, while imagining the process to be like writing poetry. After many years of which, with a glass of wine in hand, and “Choctaw Bingo” playing in the background, this person might even be inclined to call his ever expanding collection of images, “Camera Songs”.