The Search for Truth 01
About This Portfolio
From birth, the cultures and societies into which we're born hold us captive. And, since old enough to form a thought, I had determined that, while serving my life sentence, I should be ever on the lookout for any means of escape, even if that led only occasionally into the wilderness areas of my imagination.
In this spirit, my portfolio, "The Search for Truth Mission", reimagines many of the variants of absurdity within which one often contends during their confinement behind the walls of modern life.
In synch with this idea, and as we grapple with the contradictory role that visual language plays in societies today, I have created "The Search for Truth Mission" by appropriating and reconstructing vernacular photographs taken in the 20th century, converting them into pieces and parts, and reanimating them in them in the shadows of the shape-shifting no man’s land that currently spans the analog and digital topographies of the twenty-first century.
For the vernacular curious, the source materials for “The Search for Truth Mission” were culled from the dustbins of the Library of Congress of the United States, sliced and diced and reassembled by hand, and converted into pigmented ink prints that seem at once both real and not real: images in which, as the film hero Buckaroo Bonsai once surmised, “Nothing is ever what it seems to be, but everything is exactly what it is.”